Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Pumpkin spice frappuccinos and giant water bugs.

       Hello world! I hope you are all having a fantabulous day! I'm sitting at work. Hence the fact that I have time to write this post. I stopped at Starbucks across the street on the way here to try the new pumpkin spice frappuccino and I've got to say, it's amazing. Normally I don't allow myself such frivolous things as over priced beverages, but my neighbors gave me a gift card for saving their dog's life a few months back. You know me, saving the world one pit bull at a time. Anywho, a "funny thing" happened last night. It wasn't funny at the moment, but now that I think about it, it was probably hilarious. So recently, our house seems to be being taken over by water bugs. Ew. I know. And now you're probably thinking, "I can't believe she just told the entire blogging world that her house has water bugs!" So, chill out. It isn't like they are actually taking over our house. I just have a problem with exaggerating. So, my dad, the bug killing hero, got some sort of bug killer spray, (I'm sure it has an actual name, but whatever), and sprayed every room in the house...except mine. This would be due to the fact that I wouldn't pick my clothes up off the floor. Because all the other rooms have been sprayed, I suppose it's forced all the little critters into my room where they are safe. Or so they thought. Well, occasionally, I will see one on the ceiling, and it always amazes me how bugs can defy gravity. So I stare at it for a while, and then I snap back to reality and think, "Ew. That needs to die." So I chase it around my room until I catch it with something then flush it down the toilet. Well, I hadn't seen one in a while, so I'd forgotten about it, and basically decided, if I don't see them, they aren't there. And i figured there was no way one could find away to get on my extremely tall bed. Well, right as I was falling asleep last night, I see something in the corner of my eye crawl right next to my face. So I think to myself, nah, I'm just seeing stu-AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! And there it is. A bug about the size of my head. Or my pinky toe, can't be too sure. It was dark. So I jump up on my bed and do some sort of African tribal dance, then go running down the hall. You know, in case it chases me. I finally worked up enough courage to go back in my room to find the giant beast. He was the fastest water bug I've ever tried to catch. Most likely because he was afraid I'd do my dance again and step on him. After about 3 minutes I finally caught him and ran to the bathroom. I threw him in the toilet and apparently he was a water bug/spider monkey because he jumped out of the toilet. I chased him around the bathroom for a few more minutes, threw him in the toilet, shut the lid, and sat on it, just in case he was a lot stronger than I realized, then flushed the toilet. So that was the end of the water bug's life and I realized I was sweating a little bit. Wow, I am out of shape again. It was also the end of me sleeping in my room until it gets sprayed.

Well bloggers, I hope you enjoyed this exaggeration of my water bug experience. I think I'll do some homework now. Have a great afternoon and watch out for those critters. They could be in the last place you'd expect.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Jessie's making a blog?

As in the girl who can't sit still for more than 5 minutes at a time? Yes. I am starting a blog. If you'd like to, feel free to think it's because I have alot of intellectual things on my mind that I'd like to share with you all, but actually it's because I've been sitting at work for 6 and a half hours now with nothing to do and I'm beginning to hallucinate. I really have no idea what most people talk about on their blogs. Mostly, I will talk about the funny things that happen to me because they happen to me everyday, all day. I probably should have called my blog, "awkward things" instead of funny things, but whatever. You get the picture. Anywho, feel free to let me know what you think about my blogs:) Peace out interwebz.